How do you ensure the quality of your web presence?

Posted by Oliver Fair

Evaluating modern web apps is a complex task. Even for a skilled Test Engineer there are many different factors to consider:

  • What browser will the main customer base be utilizing?
  • Are most customers visiting from a desktop PC or a mobile device?
  • Should we be concerned about complex visualizations throughout the web app for lower end devices?
  • How will the desktop design transpose functionality to mobile?
  • Is 5 seconds too long for my webpage to load?
  • Does the solution have any accessibility concerns?
  • Are SEO tags rendering for all my webpages?

The Test Engineering team at Nishtech has extensive experience in dealing with all these concerns, and many more. With over 15 years of proven Quality Assurance, we aim to exceed expectations with each deployment to our customers web presence. There are many tools that we utilize daily to ensure quality and successful project delivery. One of those tools is BrowserStack.

BrowserStack - desktop view

As the QA Manager, I have personal experience in dealing with the frustrations of managing an ‘onsite device farm’ which I handled at a previous organization. The goal of the device farm was simple, make sure things work for the broadest customer base possible. It was cumbersome to say the least, keeping all of the phones, tablets, and PCs updated and ‘ready to roll’ as we needed them to test new releases. Not to mention the days I would reach for a device only to find that it wasn’t charged and ready to go. Those were not my happiest moments.

BrowserStack wasn’t available to me during those moments in need, but it is here now and has revolutionized the way my QA Team at Nishtech can deliver on every solution we provide to our customers. BrowserStack helps simplify the QA process for the Nishtech Test Engineering team. Instead of having to purchase and manage many physical devices, we utilize a cloud-based platform that utilizes those same physical devices in a remote, managed form:

This allows every tester access to the same set of devices, no matter if we are working from home or the office. It increases our test coverage and decreases the amount of actual testing time, by allowing the ability to quickly transition from one device to another, as a test requires. We utilize the platform as much as possible to ensure we are getting optimum coverage where needed on every project.

BroweserStack - mobile view

BrowserStack is one of the many tools the QA Team at Nishtech uses to ensure Quality on our modern web solutions. The topics mentioned in this article are just a cherry picked few of the factors to consider when evaluating a modern web application. There is a lot of work that the Nishtech QA Team puts into testing each of our customer’s solutions so when we deliver that final sprint – things are nice and glossy in all the right places.

Are you considering upgrading your web presence? We have the tools and expertise to take your business to the next level.

Oliver Fair

Oliver Fair - Quality Assurance Manager

As Quality Assurance Manager for Nishtech, Oliver is responsible for leading clients on a path to success by ensuring their solutions are smart, scalable and perform beyond expectations.

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